As you may have heard, Google has announced plans to discontinue support for Chrome Apps. While this decision may raise concerns, we want to assure you that Trelson has addressed and there will be no disruption to your experience with students using Trelson on Chromebooks. Below, we've provided answers to some common questions you may have about the transition to a new platform.
NOTE: Google recently announced that Chrome apps will be supported longer than previously communicated, at least until the summer of 2026.
Q: I've heard about Google deprecating Chrome Apps. Will this affect my experience with the exam and assignment writing kiosk app?
A: We understand your concerns, but rest assured, there's no need to worry. While Google is indeed phasing out support for Chrome Apps, we already have a solution in place for when Google decides to actually deprecate support for Chrome apps that will be introduced when necessary.
Q: What changes should I expect with this transition?
A: We have developed a Progressive Web App (PWA) to replace it. The functionality is the same as the current Chrome app version of the Kiosk app, it is just built using another method.
Q: Will this affect the functionality of the app?
A: No, the functionality will remain the same. You'll still be able to write exams and assignments in a secure environment, just as you do now. The transition to a PWA is primarily a technical change to ensure continued support and compatibility with modern web standards.
Q: When can I expect the new PWA app to be available?
A: The PWA version of the Trelson kiosk app has been built and can be made available to any customer who requests it, although Google has postponed the date in which the current Chrome app version of kiosk app will no longer be supported. Google has postponed it to summer 2026. You'll receive more information about the transition process later this year (2024), including instructions on how to install the new app, well in time before the actual deprecation of Chrome apps.
Q: What do I need to do to prepare for the transition?
A: No need to prepare anything. Once the new PWA kiosk app is available, you'll simply need to uninstall the old kiosk Chrome App and install the new kiosk PWA app as well as an extension. We'll provide detailed instructions to guide administrators through the process, and our support team will be available to assist every step of the way.
Q: Will there be any downtime during the transition?
A: Not expected. The transition should be smooth and seamless.
Q: Where can I find more information about the transition?
A: We'll be reaching out to administrators with more information as the transition progresses, including detailed instructions and FAQs to address any further questions you may have.