The event log of an exam allows teachers to track various activities that occur during a student's assignment. Some of the recorded events include:
- When a student starts the exam
- When a student exits the exam before submission
- When a student resubmits their exam
- When a student submits their exam
- If a student loses or regains internet connectivity
- If a student is removed from the exam
Good to know
- Access to the exam is required: To view the event logs, you must have access to the specific exam. If you created the exam, you will have access by default. Otherwise, you need to request the exam creator to add you as a "Teacher" for that exam.
- Filter the event log by student: If you want to view events for a specific student, you can filter the event log accordingly. Simply click on the filter bar at the top and select the student you are interested in. The event log will then display only the recorded events for that student.
Color indication: In the Event Log, there are four different colors catagorizing the different types of activities:
- Blue - Information
- Red - Warning
- Orange - Teacher forces submission
- Green - Student submits the test
Further descriptions of commonly recorded events
- Closed the assignment - Instead of submitting the assignment, the student pressed X in Trelson and no submission will be generated in Google Drive, but the student can log in and fulfill the submission.
- Lost connection to the assignment - Student lost internet connection. The student can continue to write the assignment, but all savings are made locally. When the student regains the connection, everything in the assignment is automatically saved to the cloud again.
- Started the assignment - The student starts the test
- Paused the assignment - When the teacher sets a time limit in minutes on a test (See default settings), the teacher can also activate the possibility for the student to pause the assignment .
- Resumed the assignment - Either after the student has closed it, the student has paused it or the teacher has forced submission and then the student has been resuming the assignment .
- Has restored the connection to the test - The student has regained connection to the assignment.
- Forced to submit the assignment (stopped by the teacher) - The teacher can stop a student's assignment from the student list inside Trelson .
- Submitted the assignment - The student has submitted the assignment.