Our form module in Trelson is designed to mimic Google Forms, making it as easy as possible to create questionnaires for exams and assignments. Keep in mind that Trelson supports automatic grading when using the form module, as described further down in the article.
How do I create a form in my exam?
- Add form: Go to the 'Modules' tab and click on 'Add' > 'Form'.
- Create your first question: Click on the large 'Add' button. Choose 'Question'.
- Select question type: Now that you've created your first question, you need to choose a question type. Click under 'Type' to switch question types. Further down in the article, you'll find more information about the different question types.
- Customize settings (optional): If you want, you can click on the gear icon in the upper right corner after creating the form to choose custom settings:
- Mix questions: The order of the questions is mixed for each student individually.
- Show one question at a time: Instead of questions coming one after another and students having to scroll, each question is shown separately. Students will also be able to bookmark questions they want to go back to later.
- Automatic grading: Activate automatic grading.
Customize settings per question
On each added question, there are different functions that you can adjust:
- Require response: The student must answer the question to be able to submit the assignment. You will find "Require response" at the bottom right for each question.
- Description: Add an extra box below the header to describe the question. You will find the option to add a description at the three dots in the lower right corner for each question.
- Mix options: The answer options for the question are randomized individually for each student. You will find the option to shuffle the order of all options at the three dots in the lower right corner for each question.
Images and audio files in questions and answers: When creating your questions, you can add images and audio files as questions or as answer options from your Google Drive by clicking the image icon with a plus sign to the right of the text.
Question types
Trelson's question types include the classic question types found in Google Forms, as well as several additional variants. Below we present the different question types and give a brief explanation of each. Click on the question type to get more detailed information.
Multiple choice
Multiple-choice questions are so-called closed questions, where the student answering chooses from a number of given answer options instead of formulating an answer themselves. The student can only select one option in this question type.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Image of how a multiple-choice question can look for the student:
Checkboxes is a question type where you, as the teacher, provide a number of options for the student to choose from as answers to your question, where the student can select more than one answer.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
- Response validation: You can easily control the number of options students can choose. This allows you to prevent students from selecting all options to obtain maximum points during automatic grading. You can do this by clicking on the three dots in the bottom right corner for the checkbox question and selecting "Response validation."
Image of how a checkboxes question can look for the student:
Dropdown is a question type where you provide different answers for the student to choose from, but where the student selects options from a drop-down menu that appears when they click to enter an answer.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Image of how a dropdown question can look for the student:
Short answer
If you choose short answer as the question type, the student has the opportunity to freely write a shorter response in the answer box.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes. Keep in mind that automatic grading is sensitive, so if you specify the correct answer with a capital letter at the beginning, for example, you may need to specify that the correct answer is also in lowercase at the beginning.
Image of how a short answer question can look for the student:
Long text
Long text is a free-text response where the student has the opportunity to provide longer explanations to answer the question.
- Supports automatic grading: No.
- Specify maximum points: You can choose to specify a maximum point value for longer free-text responses. Click on 'SET MAX SCORE'. This limit is intended to facilitate grading of free-text forms, so you don't have to remember what the maximum point value is for the answer.
Image of how a long text question can look for the student:
Image of what it looks like when adding maximun points:
Text with special characters
"Text with special characters" is a free text response where students have the opportunity to provide extended answers and use special characters. This question type should be used if students, for example, need to write chemical formulas or show mathematical calculations. You can see which special characters are available by clicking on the icon that looks like an eye at the top of the form.
- Supports automatic grading: No.
- Set maximum points: You can choose to set a maximum score for this question type. Click on 'Set maximum points'. The limit is meant to facilitate grading, so you don't have to remember the maximum score for the answer.
Image of how "Text with special characters" might look for the student:
Multiple choice-grid
Multiple choice-grid is a question type where you provide answer options in a grid format, allowing students to choose among different answer options per row.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Image of how a multiple choice-grid question can look for the student:
Tick box grid
With the tick box grid question type, you provide answer options in a grid format where students can choose among different answer options per row. Students can choose to mark multiple answer options per row.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Image of how a tick box grid question can look for the student:
Match with drag and drop
If you choose "Match with drag and drop" as the question type, the student has the opportunity to drag items to a subject of your choise.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Image of how a match with drag and drop question can look for the student:
Select area on image
With the select area on image question type, you have the ability to add an image and then mark multiple areas where the student should choose the correct area among the various options.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Image of how a select area on image question can look for the student:
Upload any image from Google Drive or your computer and allow the student to draw freehand on the image or mark the image with white space for the student to write or draw on.
- Supports automatic grading: No.
Image of how a sketch question can look for the student:
Gap text
Gap text is a question type where the student fills in blank fields (gaps) in a given text. As a teacher, you first write a complete sentence or text. Once you have finished writing the text, you mark the words you want the student to fill in as gaps. You do this by selecting the relevant word and then clicking on the icon that looks like an underscore. The system will then automatically replace the marked word with a gap that the student must fill in, while also telling the system what word/spelling is correct for the gap.
If you enable automatic correction in the form, the system will already know which word and spelling are correct for each gap. If you wish, you can specify additional "correct" answers in case you want to allow some misspellings.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
This is how a gap text looks:
Audio recording
Allow students to record their voice in response to a question by selecting the question type "Audio Recording". The student can simply click "REC" to record their response and needs to click the save button for the recording to be saved. We recommend that the student does not record for more than 10 minutes without pausing and saving. The student can upload multiple audio files if they need to record a longer response. This will generate several small files instead of one large file. When the student clicks submit, all files will be submitted.
- Supports automatic grading: No.
Image of how audio recording looks for the student:
Image of how it looks for you as a teacher when the student has submitted an assignment with the "Audio Recording" question type:
If you choose "Programming" as the question type, the student can wwrite and display code in different programming languages .
- Supports automatic grading: No.
How to use question type "Programming":
1. In the form you've created, click on "Add question" and change the question type to "Programming".
2. Write your question and then select a programming language in the Syntax Marking. You can choose the following c, cpp, csharp, css, html, java, javascript, jsx, lua, php, python, ruby, sql, tsx, typescript, and xml.
3. Choose whether you want Code Completion on or off, i.e. if you want code to be automatically completed when the student writes. For the student, the task with the choice of python as syntax is:
With the "Association" question type, you can create interactive questions where students need to connect two related options. You can choose to provide a number of concepts, dates, equations, or other objects, and students must pair these two by two. You can also limit how many options can be paired, allowing for the creation of more challenging questions.
For each option, you can specify a correct answer that the student should pair with, and you can also choose to add more distracting options to increase the difficulty.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Example of how it might look for the student:
Graphic association
With the "Graphic association" question type, you can upload an image and highlight specific areas on the image that students need to connect by drawing lines between them. This type of question is particularly useful when you want to test students' understanding of visual relationships, such as identifying parts of a diagram, geographical locations, or associating objects with their names.
You can set correct associations and enable automatic correction if you wish for the system to assess the student's answers automatically.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Here's what it might look like for the student:
Gap match
The "Gap match" question type allows you to create sentences or paragraphs where certain words are hidden as blank spaces. You can choose which words in the text should appear as gaps, and students' task is to drag and drop the correct word, sentence, or concept from a list of predefined options into the gaps to complete the text.
This question type can be used to test students' knowledge of vocabulary, key concepts, or their ability to fill in information correctly.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Here's what it might look like for the student:
Graphic gap match
The "Graphic gap match" question type allows you to specify concepts or sentences that a student can place on an image, for example, to name countries on a map.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Here's what it might look like for the student:
The "Order" question type allows students to rank various concepts, sentences, or words in a specific sequence. You can create questions where students must sort items according to a certain criterion, such as chronological order, size, weight, or relevance.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Here's what it might look like for the student:
Graphic order
The "Graphic order" question type involves the teacher uploading an image and marking different areas on the image that students need to rank in a specific sequence. Students must click on the marked parts of the image in the order they should be ranked. The parts of the image are assigned a number and should be arranged correctly according to the specific sequence.
Students can change their choices if they make a mistake and try again until they are satisfied.
- Supports automatic grading: Yes.
Here's what it might look like for the student:
Form options that are not questions
- Title and description: A title and description for the form that will not be linked to a specific question.
- Image: An image that will not be linked to a specific question.
- Video: The ability to link a YouTube video to the exam.
Use automatic grading for form questions
Automatic grading is a feature in the form module that allows you to automate the assessment of students' answers. By enabling automatic grading, you can save time and quickly get an overview of students' results. Please note that some question types do not support automatic grading, such as "Long text" and "Sketch".
How do I enable automatic grading?
- Go to modules and create a form: Just like in Google Forms, create a form with your questions within the assignment module.
- Enable automatic grading: In the form settings, click the gear icon and select "Enable automatic grading".
- Specify points for each question: Under each question, click "Specify points" to define the correct answers. Here you inform the system which answers are correct and the points students receive for selecting the correct answer.
- Note: Automatic grading is sensitive to details. For example, if you specify that the correct answer should be capitalized, students must write the answer in the same way to receive points.
How do I remove negative points for wrong answers?
Some question types will automatically assign negative points for wrong answers (such as "Association" and Match with drag and drop"). You can change this if you don’t want to assign negative points for wrong answers. Here's how:
- Assign points: Click on "Assign points" in the left corner of your question.
- Mark the correct answers: Make sure to mark so that there is a correct answer for each option, with a green checkmark and a point. Once you’ve indicated the correct answers to the system, proceed to the next step.
- Remove negative points: Place your cursor in the points box for the option you want to remove the negative points for. Enter the number 0 and click outside the question form (for example, on the gray background). Do not press Enter after typing a 0.
- Repeat: Continue following the above steps until all negative points are removed.
Watch the instructional video on how to remove negative points for wrong answers (1 min 15 sec)
How do I see students' results after submission?
- Students' results are displayed in the exported Google document in Google Drive, as well as behind the "Assignment Compilation" button. If you make changes to a student's points or grade questions that do not have automatic grading, remember to press the "Mark feedback as completed" button so that the student's results are updated. Marking feedback as completed will not make the student see the result. For students to see the result, you need to set the completed feedback for the assignment to be visible to students, at the top of the assignment's settings.
- If you want a summary of students' results in a document, you can use the "Export assignment data" function, which will give you a Google spreadsheet with all students' results.
Watch instructional video on automatic grading
Here you will find a short instructional video showing how to enable automatic grading in the assignment module.