The update from ChromEx to Trelson means that we have restricted the rights of the app to interact with Google Drive. This is based on the fact that we want to limit the app's access to users' Google Drive as much as we can.
Instead of each sample ending up in a shared drive, all samples will now end up as folders in a shared drive. All old templates with shared devices need to be updated based on the instructions below.
Create a shared drive or select an existing one
See who is responsible for the shared drive.
Find the ID of the shared drive.
When adding a shared drive to an assessment template the shared drive id refers to the root folder id and not any folder within the shared drive
Add this to the Trelson under Shared Drive.
NOTE! The person responsible for the shared drive needs to have logged in to the Trelson before it is added to the template once for the app to have access to write in the shared drive.