Speech-to-text is a form of assistive technology that can be greatly beneficial for students with writing difficulties. This feature allows students to speak to the computer instead of typing to produce text. In this article, we explain how to activate speech-to-text for students in Trelson.
What is Speech-to-Text?
The speech-to-text feature enables students to speak to the computer and have their words automatically transcribed into written text. This is helpful for students who struggle with writing or prefer to express themselves orally.
How to Activate Speech-to-Text for a Student
To activate speech-to-text for an individual student, click on the three dots next to the student's name and select "Anpassningar" (Adaptations). Then choose the language for which the student should have speech-to-text enabled and click "Spara" (Save). If all students should have access to speech-to-text, you can set it up in the task's general settings.
Please note: Students must edit their own text and add punctuation and paragraph breaks. The computer will not automatically perform these actions.
Video Instructions
Here is a video demonstrating how speech-to-text works for students in Trelson.