This guide will provide instructions on how to give feedback on student submissions. When we use the term "Feedback", we mean activities such as assigning scores and/or delivering written or verbal comments on a student submission.
Assignment feedback settings
In the assignment settings, you can choose different options related to feedback:
- Feedback visibility: Choose 'Hidden' if you do not want feedback to be visble to students. Whenever you change the feedback visibility to 'Visible', any students with feedback marked as completed will be able to see their feedback.
- Anonymize teacher feedback: Enable this option to conceal the identities of teachers providing feedback on the assignment.
- Show only final score: If enabled, students will view only the summary of their final scores instead of per-question results (applicable when using Forms as a module).
How to give feedback
In this segment of the article, we provide detailed instructions on different ways of giving feedback on a submission.
This is the workflow for giving feedback:
- Access the feedback view: When a student submits their assignment, you'll see an icon appearing in the student table—a document with a pen. Click it to start giving feedback.
- Give your feedback: Now it is time to give feedback to the students. You can do so by assigning points, comment on different parts of the submission and more. See detailed instructions on how to provide feedback below.
- Mark feedback as completed: When finished giving feedback to a student, make sure to mark it as completed. You can do this by clicking 'Mark feedback as completed' in the top right corner while inside the feedback view of a student. This changes the feedback status to 'Completed.'
- Update feedback visibility: To make the feedback visible to the student, change the feedback visibility setting to 'Visible.
How to assign points
Points can be assigned to all modules (writing space, form etc.). Depending on how many modules you have added to the assignment, you will see each module in the feedback view (see pictures below).
- The writing space has one input field where you can assign the correct amount of points.
- If the students has answered form question, you will assign score per question.
Provide written comments
- If you want to provide written comments, mark any words or text segment and a comment box will appear - allowing you to write anything you want to the student.
- You can combine a written comment with an oral one.
- Remember to click on 'OK' when you have finnished your comment.
- All comments will appear on the right hand side of the screen.
Provide oral comments
To save time or provide more personal feedback, you can record yourself giving feedback to a student.
- Mark the part of the text you want to connect your comment to, and press on the recording icon on the right. Press 'REC' and start recording. Stop the recording once you are done and click on 'OK'
Feedback status
The feedback status indicates the current stage of the feedback process for you or your colleagues. It is automatically updated based on your actions. If you are collaborating with other teachers to provide feedback, they will be able to view the status.
Please note that all changes are saved continuously. You can navigate in and out of students' feedback, and any previous changes will be retained.
Feedback status | Description |
Not started | The status showing when no teachers has started assigning points or commenting on the student submission. |
In progress |
The feedback status changes to 'In progress' once a teacher has started assigning points or comments. It will stay in that state until someone marks the student feedback as 'Completed'. |
Completed |
The feedback status changes to Completed when you have clicked on 'Mark feedback as completed'. Note that any changes you make will be saved even though you haven't. |
Why can’t my students see my feedback?
If your students are unable to view feedback or scores on an assignment, follow these steps to ensure visibility:
- Mark feedback as completed: Ensure the student feedback is marked as completed. Feedback remains not accessible to students until marked as such.
- Adjust feedback visibility: Navigate to the exam settings at the top of the page. Change the feedback visibility setting to 'Visible'. Remember to save any changes made.
After confirming completion of the above steps, students with completed feedback will be able to view their feedback when signing in as a student in Trelson.
How do I delete a feedback comment?
You can delete a feedback comment on a student submission by pressing the three dots on the right hand side of the comment. Choose 'Delete' to remove it completely, or 'Edit' to change your comment.
How do I add other teachers to collaborate on giving feedback?
Under the "Teachers" tab, you can easily add one or more colleagues by entering their email addresses. This grants them access to the assessment materials. You can assign different roles to teachers based on their responsibilities. For instance:
Full access: Adding a teacher without selecting "Grading teacher" gives them complete access to the entire exam, mirroring your own privileges.
Grading only access: By selecting "Grading teacher," you can add teachers who can solely assess student submissions. They can view and comment on responses without accessing the entire exam. You can also assign specific students to these teachers.